FFPE-EUROCONTROL, in cooperation with TUEM, signed a “guaranteed income” insurance contract with ETHIAS, entitling members who signed up to it to a daily income of EUR 25 for a 6-month period (i.e. EUR 750 per month).
At the outset, this insurance aimed to ensure a replacement income for colleagues working shifts for whom long-term sick leave would mean a dramatic reduction to their monthly income. However, all members may subscribe in order to top up their income in the event of serious illness and to cover any significant medical expenses resulting from this.
The income is paid after a 30-day waiting period and covers all cases of sickness except for pre-existing illnesses, during the first year after signature of the contract. The annual 2022 premium amounts to 175€ (incl. taxes) for 180 days cover.
How to proceed?
If you wish to (re)subscribe to the ETHIAS “Guaranteed Income” insurance scheme please transfer 175€ to the FFPE IBAN account BE23 0353 3204 5791 (BIC GEBABEBB) mentioning your payroll number and “Guaranteed Income 2022”. Send your completed application form to FFPE-EUROCONTROL@eurocontrol.int.
REMINDER – This offer is strictly for members who are up to date with the FFPE membership fees.
Subscription deadline 15 March 2023.